Keep charts up to date, satisfy safety needs and meet regulations
Chart correction service
According to good seamanship practices proper care of charts is part of necessary foresight, and in particular keeping your charts up to date according to the latest Notices to Mariners.
Why Update Your Charts?
Changes in buoyage and lights, new wrecks, temporary obstructions or depth changes in rivers and estuaries are examples of updates to charts that are critical to safe navigation.
The UKHO has provided the publication 5011 - Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts and internet access to Admiralty Notices to Mariners website. Paper copies of the Notice to mariners can be obtained at a very low price. Every year the UKHO issues over 5,000 NMs which allow mariners to update their charts to the latest safety-critical information.
However, if you do not have time to update all your chart folios, we offer a Chart Correction Service by our UKHO trained chart correctors. We can also store the folios not used for the current Voyage and keep them corrected and ready for the next voyage that they are needed for.